EXP 2089
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A unique series of in-form surface retarders used for obtaining architectural finishes on precast concrete. Tweleve etch-depths provide a full-range of finishes from a very-light acid-etch or sand blast, to traditional deep exposed aggregate finishes. Application rates vay by etch-dpeth from 350 to 500 ft2/gal (8.6 - 12.3 m2/L), see Table 1. No undercoat required and easy cleanup of formwork. A test panel simulating job conditions should be poured to confirm mix design produces desired etch.
The EXP series of products are designed for simulating a light acid-etch, or sandblast appearance to deep expsosed aggregate finishes on precast concrete. Table 1 – provides detailed information on etch-depth and coverage rates. The application rate of 350 - 500 ft² / gal. makes it a very economical product.
In-form surface retarders (IFSR) for simulating acid-etch or sandblast finishes, and creating exposed aggregate finishes.
Application areas
- For use in grey or white concrete mixes (Type I/II, III)
- For use on sealed wood, fiberglass, Polyurathane or steel forms or molds
- One light coat, fast drying
- May be spray applied
- Excellent etch consistency
- High coverage rates = low cost per ft2
- Easy formwork cleanup without solvents
- Can be cast against up to 24 hours after application of retarder
- Can be demolded up to 72 hours after casting
- 20 L bucket