Performance of DARAWELD® C Bonding Agent for Concrete Repair – TB-0016A

DARAWELD® C is a liquid bonding agent for bonding new to old or new to new concrete. Examples of its many uses include bonding, patching, or re-surfacing concrete floors, walls, beams, columns, pipe, or other structural members.
To show compliance with ASTM C 1059 Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Fresh to Hardened Concrete, tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM C 1042 Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Latex Systems Used with Concrete by Slant Shear. Robert L. Nelson & Associates, Inc. of Schaumburg, Illinois performed the tests and the results of the tests are given on the reverse side of this technical bulletin.
ASTM C 1042 states that for Type II Latices, a cement and latex slurry be prepared and applied to the hardened specimens. To prepare the cement and latex slurry, an equal parts solution of water and DARAWELD® C was added to the cement and mixed to a workable consistency. This series of tests are identified as “Set 1”. In addition to performing the required tests in ASTM C 1042, a second set of specimens were made using GCP Advanced Technologies’s recommended bonding grout slurry mix design. The bonding grout slurry incorporated 2 parts sand and 5 parts cement and was mixed to a workable consistency with an equal parts solution of water and DARAWELD® C. This series of tests are identified as “Set 2”.
ASTM C 1059 requires that the minimum bond strength for Type II Latices be 1250 psi after immersion. In these tests the average bond strength for Set 1 was 1290 psi and 1780 psi for Set 2.
The results of these tests illustrate that DARAWELD® C complies with the requirements of ASTM C 1059. Furthermore, when GCP Advanced Technologies’s recommended bonding grout mix design is used, performance far exceeds the requirements of the specification.
DARAWELD® C bonding grouts and mortars have been used in a wide variety of applications. For a complete listing of applications for which DARAWELD® C can be used, please see the DARAWELD® C Job Analyzer.