CHRYSO®Premia, based on breakthrough technology, is a portfolio of High Range Water Reducers designed to produce high initial strength concrete with remarkable placeability characteristics required for example, with Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC).


Precast/Prestressed concrete

CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150

CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 is a new generation high range water reducing admixture based on modified polycarboxylates. It leverages concrete strength performance to optimize mix design. CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 150 provides extended pumpability and flowability to increase productivity and reduce production costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type F
Precast/Prestressed concrete

CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 198

CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 198 is a new generation high range water reducing admixture based on modified polycarboxylates. It leverages concrete strength performance to optimize mix design. CHRYSO®Fluid Premia 198 provides extended pumpability and flowability to increase productivity and reduce production costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A and F
Precast/Prestressed concrete

CHRYSO®Premia 360 EMx

CHRYSO®Premia 360 EMx is a new generation high range water reducing admixture based on modified polycarboxylates. It leverages concrete strength performance to optimize mix design. CHRYSO®Premia 360 EMx provides extended pumpability and flowability to increase productivity and reduce production costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A and F
Precast/Prestressed concrete

CHRYSO®Premia 576

CHRYSO®Premia 576 is a new generation high range water reducing admixture based on modified polycarboxylates. It leverages concrete strength performance to optimize mix design. CHRYSO®Premia 576 provides extended pumpability and flowability to increase productivity and reduce production costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A and F

Excellent Concrete Placeability

to facilitate the mold filling operations

Excellent Surface Quality

limiting bugholes and repairing operations

High Early Strengths

to improve productivity and accelerate curing operations

High Robustness

to mitigate material quality variations

Benefits of the CHRYSO®Premia

CHRYSO®Premia solutions have been specifically developed for concrete that requires high early strengths, due to effective water reduction properties with optimal set times. This benefit can be leveraged in many ways:

  • Use less reactive types of cement such as Limestone-based cement (T1L)
  • Mitigate material quality inconsistency while maintaining a good concrete quality
  • Manufacture Self-Consolidated Concrete (SCC) to make easier concrete pouring and placement with less manpower
  • Accelerate the curing and demolding operations to achieve higher productivity rates
  • Reduce the cement quantity in the mix to lower the concrete COfootprint

CHRYSO®Premia enables easy and consistent placement of concrete even in applications with congested reinforcement, while providing a good quality surfacing after the concrete has hardened.

  • A workability retention of between 30 and 45 minutes
  • The possibility to design flow or self-compacting concrete
  • Excellent surface finish quality

CHRYSO®Premia 500 series specifically benefits from FILL-FREE® Polymer Technology that reduces concrete thixotropy. The result is an unmatched concrete cohesiveness and flowability that fills the most complex molds very rapidly with only minimal energy.

FILL-FREE® Polymer Technology also provides excellent water reduction properties that are necessary to obtain the optimal concrete set times and superior early strengths.

delayed demolding prefa factory

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