

Viscosity Modifying Admixture


V-MAR® VSC500 is a new generation liquid admixture designed to enable the production of superior quality pervious concrete by imparting an enhanced paste rheology and controlling the hydration of cementitious materials. V-MAR® VSC500 incorporates a unique, patented biopolymer, and is manufactured under closely controlled conditions to provide uniform, predictable performance.

The V-MAR® VSC500 admixture is supplied as a ready to use liquid. One gallon weighs approximately 8.7 lbs (1.05 kg/L). V-MAR® VSC500 contains no intentionally added chlorides. V-MAR® VSC500 meets the requirements of ASTM C494 as a Type D water-reducing and retarding admixture.

Application areas

  • Parking lots
  • Tennis courts, patios
  • Foundations/floors for green house, zoos, aquatic centers
  • Low volume pavements
  • Residential roads, alleys and driveways 
  • Sidewalks, pathways
  • Pavement edge drains


  • Produces superior and consistent quality pervious concrete mixtures
  • Enhances productivity with improved concrete flowability and faster truck discharge
  • Increases workability time
  • Improves finishability and compaction
  • Adds batching flexibility with broader moisture tolerances
  • Reduces raveling potential in harsh environments


  • 55 gallon drum
  • 275 gallon tote
  • Bulk