CHRYSO®EnviroMix®: A Response to the Challenges of Sustainable Construction

The transition to a low-carbon concrete is one of the main levers to meet the challenges of sustainable construction.

To facilitate this change, Chryso innovated their EnviroMix® range, a global offering of admixtures and services to optimize concrete mix design for reducing embodied carbon without compromising on performance.

EnviroMix®: the new range of low and ultra low-carbon concrete admixtures

EnviroMix® range integrates specific polymers and catalyzers, for an optimum reduction of the carbon footprint in concrete, while ensuring a high level of performance.

EnviroMix®Impact is a pre-quantification tool that will help you develop the most carbon-efficient concrete according to your performance requirements.

Enviromix High-Range Water Reducers Products

High Range Water Reducers


High-Performance Admixture based on CHRYSO®EnviroMix® technology, specially designed for high SCM concrete mix designs. CHRYSO®EnviroMix®159 provides high early strengths to increase SCM content in concrete and achieve substantial savings. It provides optimized workability and placeability to achieve targeted concrete quality and performance on-site while reducing jobsite time and costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A & F
High Range Water Reducers


High-Performance Admixture based on CHRYSO®EnviroMix® technology, specially designed for high SCM concrete mix designs. CHRYSO®EnviroMix®728 provides high early strengths to increase SCM content in concrete and achieve substantial savings. It provides optimized workability and placeability to achieve targeted concrete quality and performance on-site while reducing jobsite time and costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A & F
High Range Water Reducers


High-Performance Admixture based on CHRYSO®EnviroMix® technology, specially designed for high SCM concrete mix designs. CHRYSO®EnviroMix®740 provides high early strengths to increase SCM content in concrete and achieve substantial savings. It provides optimized workability and placeability to achieve targeted concrete quality and performance on-site while reducing jobsite time and costs. Meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type A and F

The Benefits of the Enviromix® 700 Series

High Strength Enhancement

at all ages while maintaining set times across a wide range of dosages (emx package)

Balanced Workability Retention

to allow a facilitated and timely optimized concrete placement

Controlled Shrinkage

thanks to an enhanced cementitious material hydration

Embodied Carbon Reduction

by decreasing cement content or using lower-carbon cement (t1l, t1p, etc.)

CHRYSO®EnviroMix Solutions

Comprehensive portfolio of custom-made solutions according to your cement and performance requirements.

EnviroMix® Water Reducers combine all the advantages of great Multi Range Water Reducers, while maintaining set times across a wide range of dosages with a unique cement strength catalysis package.

These strength enhancement properties together with the water reduction benefits allows for a reduced CO2 footprint.

EnviroMix® Water Reducers provide multiple benefits that help produce a high-quality concrete with significantly limited surface defects and abnormalities such as plastic shrinkage cracks, crusting, waterbed effects, spotty finishes, blisters, crazing, uneven surfaces (birdbath), delamination, etc.

EnviroMix® SE pushes the limits of cement strength enhancements, providing incremental strength gains of approximately 10% at all ages when used in combination with a Water Reducer.

  • Neutral to slump life and other concrete characteristics; compatible with Water Reducing admixtures
  • Non-corrosive according to ASTM G180 and EN 480 14:2006 testing

3 products were developed jointly with GCP Research Center and are already available:

  • EnviroMix® SE 30
  • EnviroMix® SE 65
  • EnviroMix® SE 70

EnviroMix®Impact is a pre-quantification tool that:

  • Calculates the carbon impact of multiple concrete mix designs and helps you define a formulation strategy adapted to your carbon reduction objectives
  • Integrates the carbon impact of the distance of concrete raw material transportation.
  • Offers flexibility and allows the use industry average data as well as specific data.

EnviroMix®Impact is very accurate compared to certified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) as it uses the industry average data referential for Scope A1 to A3 of the LCA.

It is the ideal tool for optimizing your mix design before requesting a certified EPD.